The Opus Calypso is a stylish modern stove that looks and burns like the designer stove it is, but hidden inside is a boiler that will heat your domestic hot water and radiators while you’re enjoying the flames.
The Woodfire CX8 stove is the smallest of the free-standing Woodfire stoves, with a total output of 8kW, 5.4kW to water and 2.6kW to air, making it ideally suited for use in low energy houses. The CX8 is a dedicated woodburning boiler stove which can be supplied with all the air it needs for combustion via an external air duct.
The Vajolet is the latest boiler model from Walltherm boasting an unbeatable 91% efficiency
The Klover Traditional Smart 80 central heating cooker is a highly efficient wood pellet boiler with a cookplate and hob cover making it a perfect addition to the kitchen.
The open log store compartment under the firebox of the Opus Melody LS is a handy addition and the wood looks nice too all stacked up.
The Opus Melody GLS has the glass-covered door and the log store underneath - a nice combination, and handy too.
The Harmony LS has an open log store area under the door which is useful for storing that night's firewood and the logs look really nice too.
The round shape, discreet handles and unrivalled view of the fire all combine to produce a superb looking stove. With the logs below and the curling orange flames above, the Trio fills any room with warmth, light and relaxation
Parkray Aspect 5 stoves bring a controllable 4 to 7 kW of heat to your home with an large and attractive fire window.
The Harmony GLS has the glass-covered door and the log store underneath - I really like the combination of the deep black finish to the door and the texture of the logs.
The Dik Geurts Ivar 5 is a cleanly designed 4.9kW stove, a great pick for the smaller living room.
Elegant, curved and compact, the Opus Aria is a lovely 5kW wood stove.
The Opus Harmony PR can be partially rotated - so you can have a better view of the flames if you move to another part of the room.
At 9kW the Dik Geurts Ivar 8 is at home in the medium sized room. The Ivar 8 has a clean take on the traditional UK stove design.
A great view of the fire and a great deal.