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Multifuel Contemporary Free Standing Stoves

Mendip Loxton 3 Mk2 stove
Mendip Loxton 3 Mk2 stoveRRP £999.00£945 inc. VAT

The Mendip Luxton 3, this small model, is the baby of the family!

Mendip Churchill 8 SE Mk4 Stove
Mendip Churchill 8 SE Mk4 StoveRRP £1,834.00£1,560 inc. VAT

Mendip Churchill 10 Mk4 stove
Mendip Churchill 10 Mk4 stoveRRP £2,707.20£2,300 inc. VAT

04 multifuel stove
04 multifuel stoveRRP £1,749.00£1,660 inc. VAT

The Morso 04 is a clean designed UK-style box-shaped stove.

AGA Ludlow stove
AGA Ludlow EC5 stove£1,025 inc. VAT

The Aga Ludlow upholds the enduring Aga tradition, delivering solid craftsmanship and efficient performance in multifuel stoves.

Mendip Loxton 3 Cooktop
Mendip Loxton 3 CooktopRRP £1,129.00£960 inc. VAT

The Loxton 3 Cooktop is a wood-burning stove featuring an elegant cast iron top plate, offering efficient heating and a rustic cooking surface to enhance the warmth and charm of your home.

AGA Ellesmere EC4 Stove

The AGA Ellesmere EC4 stove has a characteristically deep shape to the door. It is Defra Exempt meaning you can burn wood on it in a smoke control area and it's under 5kW.

Ekol Clarity 8 high stove
Ekol Clarity 8 high stove£1,099 inc. VAT

The Ekol Clarity 8 High stove is a tall version. It is Defra exempt for burning wood in smoke control areas.