0800 246 1250

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The medium sized version of the Tinderbox multifuel range brings the same good efficiency of 78.8% on smokeless fuels and is direct air compatible and both EcoDesign ready and exempt for smoke control zones.

MiFires Medium Tinderbox Multifuel Stove

RRP £1,150.52£860 inc. VAT

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We accept:
Once in a lifetime offer - When you're buying your stove quote 'discount 727' and you'll get the flexible liner you need at half price! All our top quality liners have a lifetime guarantee. You'll not find it at a better price anywhere!

  • Height565mm
  • Width420mm
  • Depth355mm
  • Weight71kg
  • Flue Diameter125mm
  • FuelMultifuel
  • Nominal Heat Output5kW
  • Efficiency78%
  • Ecodesign CompliantYes
  • Energy Efficiency Class
  • AirwashYes
  • Back of Stove to Centre of Top Flue124.5mm
  • Flue OutletTop
  • Direct Air SupplyYes
  • Defra ExemptYes
  • Can Have 12mm HearthNo
  • Distance to Combustibles Materials Sides600mm
  • Distance to Combustibles Materials Rear450mm
delivery areasInside of the orange area on the map (England, the Scots and Welsh border country, and excluding Greater London), the MiFires Medium Tinderbox Multifuel Stove is eligible for delivery included in price. For more information about deliveries, visit our delivery information page.

MiFires Medium Tinderbox Multifuel Stove Extras

When you order your MiFires Medium Tinderbox Multifuel Stove from us we can also send you these complementary items to get you going with your new stove. Please let our sales team know which ones you'd like when you place your order.

Get in touch

You can contact us by phone: 

  • Mainline: 0800 246 1250

Saturday, 9am - 5pm

Typical message response time: 5-15 mins

You can use our enquiry system to send us a message through the website.

Or you can email us via info@stovesonline.co.uk

Start a Flue Design

You can use our Flue Design Service to have your chimney system designed by our experts, it's all included when you choose to work with us.