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Special 1/2 price flexible flue liner offer

Special 1/2 price flexible flue liner offer

6 months ago

Purchase any freestanding or inset stove from StovesOnline and get the chimney liner at half price.

Flexline chimney liner is one of the best flexible liners on the market and is available in double skin 316 grade, or 904 grade for ‘heavy use’ situations. Bear in mind that, unlike many of our competitors, Flexline 904 has a 904 grade stainless steel inner skin and outer skin.  

To demonstrate our confidence in this superb liner we give it a lifetime guarantee.

Modern efficient stoves can give 80% or more of their heat to the room. This doesn’t leave much warmth to keep the chimney hot and working at its best, so it’s vital to have a good quality liner to keep those flue gases warm and flowing and cope with any condensate that does form in the chimney.

For exterior ‘cold’ chimneys, or in situations where the stove will be slow burnt, we would always recommend insulating the flexible liner for easy lighting, reduced soot and maximum burning efficiency.
