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Westfire Multifuel Contemporary Free Standing Stoves

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Westfire is a Danish company which has its home in windswept Jutland, alongside the North Sea. The Danes are used to severe, cold winters and therefore have developed the art of constructing functional and stylish wood burners to see them through the fiercest of winters. They are known for their contemporary designs of stove with the sort of functionality you need in a modern new build property such as smaller nominal outputs and direct air supply.

We have been selling Westfire stoves for many years and have had great feedback from our customers. From the very tall soap stone models to the small, simple, square stoves and inserts, there is sure to be the perfect stove for you.

Westfire 35 stove
Westfire Uniq 35 stove£1,675 inc. VAT

The Westfire 35 is a stylish and elegant multifuel stove that gives out 4.3kW of heat to the room. There is also the option of the Westfire 35 SE Defra exempt model.