Stove installation and building regs doc J
In general it is safest to use a registered and trained stove installer with experience. The stove installer will be registered with a Competent Person Scheme, most likely HETAS, and this shows that they take their job seriously. Under the scheme they will also notify that the job has been completed so that part of the paperwork is all done for you.
On the flip side if you are, for example, building a house then it can be completely normal for the builders to install a pumice chimney system ready for the stove installer to attach a stove to.
If you are relining your chimney whether that is with flexible liner, pumice, or concrete liners or if you are building a new chimney (including building a new chimney using twin wall insulated flue pipe) then this is classed as "Building work" and you must notify building control before work starts.
In any case there may well be local planning restrictions covering chimney work and new chimneys that you have to follow.
Such work has to be done under the guidance of a building inspector or by an installer who is a member of a "Competent Person Scheme". You can find more information on the Competent Person Schemes on our stove installers page
In most instances a new chimney can be erected under permitted development (in accordance with Class G, Part 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) Order 2008).