This A+ rated stove from Esse combines wood-fired cooking in the baking oven and on its four-zoned cooking hob, whilst providing radiant heat for the room.

Esse's Warmheart model allows you to boil a kettle and cook a meal on your stove.

For a small 5kw stove the Rowandale has a very wide window on the flames.

This multfuel cast iron stove has a nominal heat output between 7-8kw with a pretty decent fuel efficiency of 78%.

The 9kw nominal heat output of the Harmony 33 will suit larger rooms.

The cast iron top of this stove hinges back allowing you to place your cooking pans directly on top of the stove.

One of the classic Vermont stoves, the Intrepid is popular with existing and new owners alike and the woodburner is now Defra Exempt. The Vermont Intrepid has the trademark window tracery, firechamber catalyst, optional warming shelves and is available in a range of fine enamelled colours.

The taller version of the Earlswood with integral log store.