We are now closed until Monday 6th January. You can still place an order for the New Year.
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Paul Harrison South West Chimney Sweep & Handyman Services

17 The Doon, Twynholm, Kirkcudbright, United Kingdom, DG6 4NS.
07796273026 paul.harrison51@talktalk.net

Please mention Stoves Online if you make contact with this supplier. Thankyou!

Visit the website (http://www.guildofmasterchimneysweeps.co.uk/sweeper_details.php?ssid=86&uid=475)

Member of ''The Guild of Master Sweeps'' Sweeping certificates issued. Fully insured. No mess. Prompt & reliable. Pots & cowls supplied & fitted. Servicing 25mile radius of Kirkcudbright.