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Carbon Emissions Audit

CO2 carbon dioxide

Dealing with our organisational carbon emissions is one step we can take to reducing our impact on #climatechange, and even more importantly is the idea that it catches on so all of us start measuring, and reducing, our impact.

Mandy works in our accounts dept and she takes on the bulk of the task. Carbon-accounting is a natural fit for accounts - Mandy now has worksheets and spreadsheets galore set up, and will make this a part of our yearly accounts process. Just like measuring turnover, profit, dead-stock, etc, this is a way in which we will start to give more consideration to sustainability in our business.

Existing Measures

Over the years we’ve already done quite a lot to try to reduce our impact, with various reviews and initiatives, such as:

Scope Breakdown

Carbon Emissions breakdown

So you can see that the bulk of our operational emissions are Scope 3 - to do with transport. Scope 1 emissions are relatively low as our warehouse heating is powered by wood pellets and we only heat the office, showroom space and packing area.

Scope Breakdown

Scope 3 carbon emissions breakdown

So Most of our emissions are Scope 3, to do with flight, and then car travel. The graph above shows how that breaks down:

Yearly comparison

Carbon Emissions yearly comparison

An here is the yearly comparison.

In 2023/2024 our operational emissions were around 17 tonnes CO2/year. Close to the emissions of an average North American person.