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What is Airwash in a stove

Airwash - stoves with airwash explained
Airwash stoves take in air from above the stove window and pass (or 'wash') it over the surface of the window. This helps keeps the flames and gasses in the stove off the window itself as there is a layer of air protecting it, which makes for a clear view of the flames.

Nearly every stove these days come with Airwash, browse through our wood burning stoves (in the technical spec. we list whether the stove has airwash or not - almost all modern stoves use an airwash system).

Should the window of your stove tar a little then you can often get rid of it with a nice hot burn. Failing that a damp cloth with a little ash on it does a sterling job. Just wipe it gently in small circles and then wipe clean. Make sure that you do not pick up little bits of charcoal with the ash as that can scratch the window and of course don't do it whilst the window is hot.